The kids here are so cute! They have the sweetest smiles and they are so entertaining especially how they manipulate the English they know to get their point across. This is Plane. He is very eager to please, loves to learn but is a little rambunctious in class. Doesn't he look like trouble a little bit? Well, he is, but the animated stories he tells are well worth his troublesome actions.
This is one of my classes, grade one, they are so naughty. Its, from left to right, James, Better (yup, Better, my Chinese Teacher), Snow, Jade and Plane (with his ear in Better's pinch). In this class we mostly catch up on speaking. Each class, only twice a week, we create a dialogue with useful statements like: Where is the grocery store? How do you get there? And, What is your favorite holiday? What will you eat during the holiday? Fun topics like that.
If it wasn't for the kids, I probably would've left here years ago. The kids are soooooo adorable. And not just the kids at my center...I kind of love all of the little ones...
Such a weird confession, but I totally snap pictures of babies on the subway and on the bus. So creepy. But, I think its worth it for a pic of the cutest babies ever!....so weird.
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